construction / 施工までの流れ
- STEP1. お問合せフォームよりご連絡をいただきます。
- STEP2. 担当者が連絡をいたしますので測量日時を確定します。
- STEP3. お客様立会いのもと測量をいたします。(立会いなしでも可能です。)
- STEP4. お見積書を提出いたします。
- STEP5. お見積書をもとに施工内容の確認をしていただきます。
- STEP6. お客様の同意のうえ施工を開始。
- STEP1. Please contact us from the inquiry form
- STEP2. The person in charge will contact you, so we will confirm the survey date and time
- STEP3. We will conduct surveying based on the meeting with the customer
- (It is possible without attend.)
- STEP4. We will submit a quotat10n
- STEP5. Please confirm the construction contents based on the quotation
- STEP6. Start construction with the consent of the customer.
Please feel free to contact us for a free quote

解体費用1,280,000円+ 工務店管理費256,000円= 1,536,000円
解体費用1,280,000円+ 紹介サイト管理費128,000円= 1,408,000円
解体費用1,280,000円= 1,280,000円

When build a new building, a construction shop,a house maker,also when dismantling an empty house,
use the quote site on the website,all have an intermediatemargins,demolition work fee will go up as a result.
In order to reduce these intermediate margins, we recommend direct contracts with customers
The price varies greatly as described above because there are no unnecessary margins and cost reductions
In this way, by looking for a demolition contractor by yourself and placing a separate order, the floating
budget can be used effectively separately.
Please feel free to contact us for quotations and consultations